Trading on the Australian Stock Exchange (AXS) resumed on Tuesday, after it was halted half an hour after Monday's opening because of a glitch in the refreshed ASX Trade system, which is the trading platform for ASX’s equity market provided by Nasdaq.

«A software issue limited to the trading of multiple securities in a single order (combination trading) created inaccurate market data,» ASX said in an announcement posted at 11 a.m. on Monday, noting the outage was «not a cyber event or hacking related.»

AXS said it conducted extensive testing with technology provider Nasdaq, customers and independent specialist third parties for over a year, including four dress rehearsals, in preparation for Monday's launch of the platform. 

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the national corporate regulator, described the outage – the largest in over a decade – as of «significant concern,» and said ASX would be required to provide a full incident report.