Although the rules and potential scenarios are still in the making, it is now clear that even the banking world cannot fail to consider the Metaverse in defining its strategy, Gianluca Gerosa writes in an essay for finews.first.

This article is published on finews.first, a forum for authors specializing in economic and financial topics.

The first person to introduce the concept of the Metaverse was not a computer nerd, but a science fiction author, Neal Stephenson. In his book «Snow Crash», he described the Metaverse as a parallel reality populated by avatars who, instead of real people, can move, share experiences and interact with each other in three-dimensional space. Not bad for an idea formulated over 30 years ago for something that is emerging as the new frontier of social connection.

Interest in the Metaverse accelerated during the Coronavirus pandemic due to the time spent at home during lockdowns and the consequent need for proximity and interaction between physically distant individuals.

«The sizeable investments of big tech will work as a multiplier»

The impulse to create Metaverses started in the video games sector, which boasts two billion users worldwide and constantly growing revenues. The acceleration of digital, in particular the progress of blockchain technology, which also forms the basis of cryptocurrencies, has encouraged gaming programmers to create increasingly complex gaming platforms, the embryo of future Metaverses. Millions of people participate and interact on these platforms and can create unique avatars of themselves to play, socialize, explore and make purchases as well as payments.

During the pandemic, it was natural to imagine transferring these possibilities of social connection to other areas of daily life, creating open virtual worlds in which users can operate as they do in the physical world.

According to research by Bloomberg Intelligence, the global Metaverse market could exceed a trillion dollars in the next three years, and the sizeable investments of big tech will work as a multiplier. Microsoft, for example, could integrate its Metaverse, Vortex, into the Teams platform with a feature called Mash to allow users to join meetings using their avatar.

«For banks too, success will depend on the ability to guarantee a digital client experience»

Considering that for generations Y and Z, born between 1980 and 2005, it is quite natural that it will be possible to shop anywhere, transfer their digital identity to any platform and participate in any meeting through the Metaverse, what are the challenges and the opportunities for the banking sector in the near future to defend its market share and attract this target clientele?

For banks too, success will depend on the ability to guarantee a digital client experience capable of anticipating and satisfying the expectations of future clients.

Banks that adopt the Metaverse will be able to improve the customer experience through virtual reality or augmented reality, through which they can provide targeted advice and training in virtual lounges so as to retain customers and minimize the risks associated with generational changes, educating new generations of customers on good investment habits.

For most commercial banks, the entry point will be the integration of cryptocurrencies and, when available, CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) among the financial services offered because most Metaverse platforms already encourage the use of cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other digital assets, which may soon become the Metaverse’s primary form of value exchange.

Until then, it will be crucial for banks to facilitate the conversion of traditional currencies into cryptocurrencies and prepare to finance transactions in the Metaverse through loans, such as loans dedicated to the purchase of virtual plots of land on Decentraland, the Metaverse powered by the Ethereum blockchain.

«In the future, NFTs could become an asset class within wealth management»

In the investment arena, NFTs linked to digital works of art have reached staggering prices and, in the future, NFTs could become an asset class within wealth management or the subject of investment of mutual funds to be offered to the most digitally fluent clientele.

To ensure the security of transactions between users and, in general, the reliability of the Metaverse, protecting it from fraud and crime, it will be necessary to create shared standards of rules on data governance, digital identity, transaction tracking and anti-money laundering, as well as defining the authorities responsible for monitoring.

Although the rules and potential scenarios are still in the making, it is now clear that even the banking world cannot fail to consider the Metaverse in defining its strategy. The Metaverse, in addition to being relevant for attracting new generations of clients, could provide «sustainable» growth opportunities that the real world, limited by the availability of offline resources and priorities linked to climate change, can no longer afford.

Gianluca Gerosa is the Head of Asset Management at Reyl Intesa Sanpaolo.

Previous contributions: Rudi Bogni, Peter Kurer, Rolf Banz, Dieter Ruloff, Werner Vogt, Walter Wittmann, Alfred Mettler, Robert Holzach, Craig Murray, David Zollinger, Arthur Bolliger, Beat Kappeler, Chris Rowe, Stefan Gerlach, Marc Lussy, Nuno Fernandes, Richard Egger, Maurice Pedergnana, Marco Bargel, Steve Hanke, Urs Schoettli, Ursula Finsterwald, Stefan Kreuzkamp, Oliver Bussmann, Michael Benz, Albert Steck, Martin Dahinden, Thomas Fedier, Alfred MettlerBrigitte Strebel, Mirjam Staub-Bisang, Nicolas Roth, Thorsten Polleit, Kim Iskyan, Stephen Dover, Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez, Christian Dreyer, Kinan Khadam-Al-Jame, Robert HemmiAnton AffentrangerYves Mirabaud, Katharina Bart, Frédéric Papp, Hans-Martin Kraus, Gerard Guerdat, Mario Bassi, Stephen Thariyan, Dan Steinbock, Rino BoriniBert Flossbach, Michael Hasenstab, Guido Schilling, Werner E. RutschDorte Bech Vizard, Adriano B. Lucatelli, Katharina Bart, Maya Bhandari, Jean Tirole, Hans Jakob RothMarco Martinelli, Thomas SutterTom KingWerner Peyer, Thomas Kupfer, Peter KurerArturo BrisFrederic PappJames Syme, Dennis Larsen, Bernd Kramer, Armin JansNicolas Roth, Hans Ulrich Jost, Patrick Hunger, Fabrizio QuirighettiClaire Shaw, Peter FanconiAlex Wolf, Dan Steinbock, Patrick Scheurle, Sandro Occhilupo, Will Ballard, Nicholas Yeo, Claude-Alain Margelisch, Jean-François Hirschel, Jens Pongratz, Samuel Gerber, Philipp Weckherlin, Anne Richards, Antoni Trenchev, Benoit Barbereau, Pascal R. Bersier, Shaul Lifshitz, Klaus Breiner, Ana Botín, Martin Gilbert, Jesper Koll, Ingo Rauser, Carlo Capaul, Claude Baumann, Markus Winkler, Konrad Hummler, Thomas Steinemann, Christina Boeck, Guillaume Compeyron, Miro Zivkovic, Alexander F. Wagner, Eric Heymann, Christoph Sax, Felix Brem, Jochen Moebert, Jacques-Aurélien Marcireau, Ursula Finsterwald, Claudia Kraaz, Michel Longhini, Stefan Blum, Zsolt Kohalmi, Karin M. Klossek, Nicolas Ramelet, Søren Bjønness, Gilles Prince, Salman Ahmed, Peter van der Welle, Ken Orchard, Christian Gast, Jeffrey Bohn, Juergen Braunstein, Jeff Voegeli, Fiona Frick, Stefan Schneider, Matthias Hunn, Andreas Vetsch, Fabiana Fedeli, Marionna WegensteinKim Fournais, Carole Millet, Swetha Ramachandran, Thomas Stucki, Neil Shearing, Claude Baumann, Tom Naratil, Oliver Berger, Robert Sharps, Tobias Mueller, Florian Wicki, Jean Keller, Niels Lan Doky, Karin M. Klossek, Johnny El Hachem, Judith Basad, Katharina Bart, Thorsten Polleit, Bernardo Brunschwiler, Peter Schmid, Karam Hinduja, Zsolt Kohalmi, Raphaël Surber, Santosh Brivio, Mark Urquhart, Olivier Kessler, Bruno Capone, Peter Hody, Andrew Isbester, Florin Baeriswyl, and Michael Bornhaeusser, Agnieszka Walorska, Thomas Mueller, Ebrahim Attarzadeh, Marcel HostettlerHui Zhang, Michael Bornhaeusser, Reto Jauch, Angela Agostini, Guy de Blonay, Tatjana Greil Castro, Jean-Baptiste Berthon, Marc Saint John Webb, Dietrich Goenemeyer, Mobeen Tahir, Didier Saint-Georges, Serge Tabachnik, Vega Ibanez, David Folkerts-Landau, Andreas Ita, Teodoro Cocca, Michael Welti, Mihkel Vitsur, Fabrizio Pagani, Roman Balzan, Todd Saligman, Christian Kaelin, Stuart Dunbar, Carina Schaurte, Birte Orth-Freese, Gun Woo, Lamara von Albertini, Philip Adler, Ramon Vogt, Andrea Hoffmann, Niccolò Garzelli, Darren Williams, Benjamin Böhner, Mike Judith, Jared Cook, Henk Grootveld, Roman Gaus, Nicolas Faller, Anna Stünzi, Thomas Höhne-Sparborth, Fabrizio Pagani, Taimur Hyat, Ralph Ebert, Guy de Blonay, Jan Boudewijns, Beat Wittmann, Sean Hagerty, Alina Donets, Sébastien Galy, Lars Jaeger, Roman von Ah, Fernando Fernández, Georg von Wyss, Stéphane Monier, Stefan Bannwart, Andreas Britt, Frédéric Leroux, Nick Platjouw, Rolando Grandi, Philipp Kaupke, Gérard Piasko, Brad Slingerlend, Dieter Wermuth, Grégoire Bordier, Thomas Signer, and Brigitte Kaps.