The fine arts and specie expert brings more than a decade of experience in China's insurance market.

Beazley has announced that April Yang will join its underwriting team at Lloyd's China, covering jewellery, fine art and specie (JFAS) across Asia Pacific, the specialist insurer announced in a statement on Thursday.

Yang was previously the director of underwriting at the Shanghai branch of China Zenith Insurance Brokers, and led the authorization of the firm as a new coverholder at Lloyd's. She also spent nine years at the Catlin Underwriting Division of Lloyd's China, where she focused on underwriting, new product development and market initiatives for speciality lines.

Growing APAC Underwriting

Yang's move is in line with the U.K.-based insurer's plans to grow its underwriting presence in the Asia Pacific region. 

Lucien Mounier, Beazley’s head of Asia Pacific, said the addition of Yang means the firm is «more strongly positioned to work with brokers to meet the growing demand of their clients for specialist cover.»

Beazley operates on the Lloyd’s Asia platform on both an insurance and reinsurance basis. Its reinsurance business in China is operated by Lloyd’s Insurance Company (China)