The 7th annual Credit Suisse Global Supertrends Conference provided a platform for international speakers including thought-provoking opinion leaders, sector specialists, and industry leaders.

Here are some impressions of the conference held by Credit Suisse on April 23, 2019, in Singapore.

The speakers focused on four main topics: 

  • Angry Societies and the Making of a New World Order | After years of hyper-globalization, growing trade tensions have shown that several poles of similar economic and geostrategic strength have emerged.
  • Blockchain has been regarded as an accelerator for digitalization and an opportunity for investors to further diversify into new areas. At a time of weak productivity growth, cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology, Blockchain, have the potential to drive change in payments, fundraising and securities systems, with millennials as their main target audience.
  • Sustainability is a core value for millennials and climate change has become an important issue for this generation. With autos responsible for a large part of carbon emissions, the electrification of cars is now a key trend, and the timeline for electric vehicles is accelerating, as we continue to evolve from an auto-centric world to a mobility-centric one.
  • Health tech is currently gaining traction and is already visibly reshaping the current standard of healthcare, making it more impactful and more efficient. Innovation will be key as technologies like artificial intelligence have made inroads into applications like drug development as well as in diagnosis.