Georg von Wattenwyl is taking over the Presidency of the SwissCham Board from his predecessor Tom Ludescher.

Dear members,

This is a memorable day for me and my company, and I am very much looking forward to this challenging new mission. I feel privileged to chair an excellent and very experienced board team

I am the first banker in 17 years presidency. I am married and father of two almost grown-up children. As a typical Swiss banker, after my initial education (among others in Singapore), I have spent my whole career at two Swiss banking institutions.

Living in Singapore

The first company I worked for was Credit Suisse and then for more than 20 years at Vontobel, where I had the opportunity to experience National and International Management. Since the beginning of the year, I have been living in Singapore, and I have now the opportunity to lead Vontobel's development here. My experience in association work began as the President of a Swiss Financial Industry Association for many years. It’s an experience I am most willing and happy to count on.

Switzerland and Singapore are a sort of a successful couple; With over 40 billion direct investments in Singapore, Switzerland is the seventh-largest investor in Singapore. About 400 Swiss companies create more than 25,000 jobs.

Diverse Community

In our role representing the diverse Swiss Community, the Swiss Chamber of Commerce is an essential player serving as a bridge-builder between various institutions and authorities and is providing an ideal platform for networking in both professional and social events.

As the 11th President and together with my team, I am delighted to continue the tradition of representing the interests of our members and actively supporting all of you in your activities.

As a Chamber, our aim is to act in the best overall interests of our members and our Community.

Swiss Business Awards

To celebrate the success of Swiss Companies in Singapore we would like to invite all our members to participate in the prestigious event of the Swiss Business Awards for Excellence in People & Skills Development. The Awards provide an excellent opportunity for Swiss companies to attract attention in Singapore with their unique ideas, manpower initiatives, successful business models and innovation.

The winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner on 19 October. The deadline for submission of applications is now mid-September. More details can be found at the Swiss Business Awards 2019.

Happy Birthday!

Now I wish you all a happy Swiss National Holiday whichever way you celebrate it. I will be pleased to meet many of you personally and hear how we can be relevant to you and your company.

Georg von Wattenwyl