U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs likes to know what makes its interns tick, their aspirations and perspectives on life in general. The results of the survey are clear enough – and yet they come as a surprise.

Getting a job at Goldman Sachs remains the equivalent of winning the jackpot in the lottery as chances are high that you will end up as millionaire over the years.

Earning big bucks is unsurprisingly a main motivation for thousands of interns to apply for a job at Goldman Sachs – notwithstanding the excesses of the banking industry that might have acted as a catalyzer for a rethink.

Yearning for a Home

The results of the annual survey of summer interns at the banking institute are straightforward:

Half of the interns in their 20s want to buy a house, with 40 percent among the interns of 30 plus (see table). Some 48 percent of all interns want to save money for the future.

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Luxury goods are less important, with only 3 percent yearning to go shopping luxurious items. Instead, 46 percent opt for the house as the most important good and 27 percent for a car (see table).

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For tourist managers it is interesting to know that a healthy 42 percent want to spend their time off on the beach, while cultural activities including city trips interest a minority of 16 percent. And that's exactly what Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein told them to do.

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The top manager recently recommended bankers starting out on a career to relax a little more. The bank has launched a set of unusual measures to keep the top talent applying at the bank for a job: the company increased the wage of lower charges substantially, will feed the best talent through faster, making it possible to reach the title of vice-president after a paltry five and a half years. That's two years earlier than previously.