Jin Yee Young

In October 2022, Deutsche Bank’s wealth management business in Asia began a new chapter after the baton was passed to APAC international private bank (IPB) head Jin Yee Young. She is tasked with helping the German private bank forge its next growth phase in the region by bringing the group's capabilities to its UHNW clients under the so-called one-bank model. 

And she will be well-versed in the model having familiarized herself with it for nearly two decades at Credit Suisse, where she last served as its APAC deputy head of wealth management. Previously, she also had stints with DBS Private Bank and Citibank.

Eleanor Yuen

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30-year industry veteran Eleanor Yuen makes her appearance on the list as one of the most prominent wealth planning specialists in Asia. 

Yuen’s deep understanding and experience with family wealth, from property tycoons in the 1960s to wealthy tech millennials today, has made her a coveted asset in the private banking industry. After 11 years with Credit Suisse Trust, she joined Julius Baer in 2016 as its APAC head of wealth planning.