Many banks are making digital products an essential part of their offerings. It looks like UBS is joining the fray.

UBS, Switzerland's largest bank, has registered several new brand names in the Swiss trademark register according to the newspaper «Handelszeitung» (in German).

Among the new brands are «UBS Key4 banking», «UBS Key4 wealth», and «UBS Key4 business», which have been registered and are now legally protected product names of the bank.

To date, however, Key4 is only the name of the online portal by which UBS has been selling its own and third-party mortgage loans since 2020. According to the report, the registrations of the new trademarks could indicate UBS is in the process of building additional brands for a future digital business.

UBS rival Credit Suisse launched a digital product in 2020 and trades under the name «CSX».