From ill-timed misfortunes to very close calls, takes a look at 2020’s top 5 most unusual moments in Hong Kong thus far.

1. Hang Seng Hangout

In any other time, such an incident would perhaps be an internal gaffe unworthy of public attention but four management trainees from Hang Seng, an HSBC subsidiary and one of the largest local retail banks, made the untimely mistake of posting themselves exploiting a citywide adoption of «work from home» (WFH) measures.

«best WFH activity», read one caption in an Instagram photo that included all four employees posing during an outdoor hike. 

hangshan banknote copy

In addition to the publicly expressed ire of senior management, the incident also triggered a viral wave of online content including a parodied version of a local bill (pictured above) that features the now infamous image of the four hikers. It also doesn’t help that the pronunciations of Hang Seng and «hiking» in Cantonese bear an extremely striking resemblance.