Karen Chen

Clueless at First

When Chan was working as a CEO at a foreign bank in China, clients had asked her to explain cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, and robotics. The problem was she didn't have a clue.

«I was scared because these were the things that I didn't understand. So how was I able to advise them on the investment? Here was such a great opportunity to really engage in the business,» she said, explaining her decision to build Coinsuper.

The Challenge

Running an exchange allowed her to build an infrastructure and enabled her to meet with investors, project CEOs, and technical people. «I think this is the part that attracts bankers to come into the business,» she explained. «When you are a top talent, you are always curious, and always get yourself challenged out of your comfort zone.»

When she was in the banks' wealth management division serving very rich families, she could mostly access the gate-keepers or the chief financial officers. 

«But now, I have a chance to talk to the real owners. Because this is risky, they want to know and want to talk to the experts. I'm not the expert yet, but it really opened the door for myself and many new talents,» Chen added.

Some of these high net worth families may not have started investing yet but some are thinking about making an allocation, she noted.