QxBranch, the quantum computing and data analytics software company has announced the release of a quantum computing simulator for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

The new tool emulates the functions of future quantum computers, enabling software and algorithm development to proceed in parallel with the race to create breakthrough hardware.

The QxBranch Quantum Computing Simulator System can run on existing cloud computing infrastructure, or on premise as it does at Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), allowing business leads, developers, and quantitative analysts to explore and validate uses of quantum computing hardware.

Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity

«By developing a simulated quantum computing environment this allows us to assess the feasibility and performance of applications well before the first silicon-based quantum computer is finished,» said David Whiteing Commonwealth Bank of Australia Chief Information Officer.

QxBranch believe that the firms that are well prepared for the arrival of quantum computing will be positioned to exploit once-in-a-generation business opportunities.

Quantum computers will offer new approaches to solving complex, multi-variable problems, such as those currently addressed using optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.